Chris Forsgren, a celebrated Swedish composer and pianist, embarked on his musical journey at the remarkable age of six. His early passion for music, a testament to his dedication and commitment to his craft, led him to The Junior Academy in Stockholm for formal training, and later to UCLA where he refined his skills under the guidance of Bruce Broughton, a renowned figure in the music industry.
Forsgren's illustrious career is marked by significant contributions to major Hollywood blockbusters such as "The Mummy," "Fate of the Furious," and "Scream 5," as well as popular TV series including "Lost in Space" and "Kung Fu." His recent works, including scores for Netflix's gripping series "The Girl From Oslo" and the psychological thriller "Bed Rest," showcase his versatile and dynamic scoring style. Notably, Forsgren's collaborations with industry titans like Brian Tyler, Christopher Lennertz, and Rupert Gregson-Williams underscore his adaptability and influence in the field.
In 2024, he is set to captivate audiences with projects such as "Abigail" and "Transformers One" alongside Brian Tyler, as well as "The Union," "The Perfect Couple," and "Lockerbie" with Rupert Gregson-Williams, underscoring his adaptability across various genres.
Forsgren's music is characterized by its emotive power and innovative integration of diverse musical elements, establishing him as a distinctive voice in contemporary film scoring. For more information on his extensive body of work, visit boldmusicmgmt.com
Jason Markey
+1 818.293.7100 [o]
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